Dreams - G


To dream of participating in games and winning, indicates misfortunes. To lose at games is a sign of sure gain the near future.


If you dream that you are working in a garden, it means that you are going to have much useful work to do which will bring happiness to a great number of people.


To dream that you are losing your garter is the sign that you are going to have petty troubles and disappointments.


If you dream that you see a ghost, it is a sign to watch your relationships with friends and dear ones. If the ghost should speak, you should pay special attention to whatever it says.


If you dream that you see a giant, it means that you are going to be confronted with a great obstacle which will require all your strength to overcome.


To dream of a giraffe is a harbinger of great good fortune and success in all your personal affairs.


If you dream that you are talking to a girl, it means that you are going to be very happy in the near future.


To dream that you have broken you glasses means that you are going to suffer a slight upset. If you do not wear glasses but dream that you are wearing them, it is a warning of discord because of misunderstandings.


If you dream that you see a goat, it means that your enemies are plotting to undo you, but that you will be able to overcome them if you will keep your head and not let fear weaken your will.


To dream of gold is a warning that you should beware taking chances in business. If you are in love, it means that you should be careful that you do nothing to arouse the jealousy or suspicion of your lover.


To dream that you hear a gong sounding means caution.


To dream that you see a goose is a sign that one of your friends is going to do something very foolish. Beware of giving any unfounded information.


To dream that you see a field of grain growing is the sign of prosperity and happiness.


If you dream that you are cutting the grass, it is the sign that you are going to do well in business. The longer the grass, the greater will be your success.


To dream that you hear a guitar playing means that your lover is true.


To dream that you hear a gunshot is a warning that you will have news of trouble at a distant point.