Dreams - D


To dream of a dagger is the sign of a quarrel in which you will be the loser.


If you dream that you are dancing, it is a very lucky sign. If you dream that you are too dancing, it is a warning that you have set your ambitions too high for the present.


To dream that you see dandelions growing is a warning that a distant friend is going to write to you for advice.


If you dream that you are lost in the dark, it is a sign that you will presently need the assistance of your friends. If you dream that you are in the dark but that you see a distant light shining, it means good news coming from afar.


To dream of deer indicates you are too timid in the pursuit of you beloved.


If you dream that you are going to the dentist or are in the dentist’s chair, it is the sign that you are going to resist evil. If you dream that you are leaving the dentist’s chair, it means that the worst of your troubles are over.


To dream that you are wandering on the desert is a warning of a troublesome journey.


If you dream that you have been deserted by your friends, it means disappointment in the very near future.


If you dream that you find a diamond, it is a warning of trouble. If you dream that someone is giving you a diamond, it means that someone holds evil thoughts against you; but if you dream that you see diamonds, it is the sign of the best possible luck coming your way.


If you dream that you are playing with dice, it is the sign that you are going to undergo great changes in your fortunes.


If you dream that you are eating dinner, it is a warning of difficulties to come. If you dream you are preparing dinner, it means that you will have a happy home life.


If you dream that your clothes are covered with dirt, it means that your reputation is going to suffer from some action of yours. If you dream that you are smothered by dirt, it is the sign that you will triumph over your enemy.


If you dream of falling into a ditch, it is the sign to make all plans carefully. If you dream that your automobile has plunged into a ditch, it is a warning of changes in business.


I t is a very good sign to dream of dogs. If they are barking and snarling, it means that you are going to overcome great obstacles. If they are friendly and wagging their tails, it is the sign that you will be very happy soon.


To dream of a donkey is an indication that a friend is going to prove untrue.


If you dream of a dove, it is the sign of the greatest prosperity and good fortune.


To dream that you want a drink but cannot find any water is the sign that you are going to be alone and unaided in time of trouble. To dream that you have obtained a drink of water is the sign of much happiness to come.


To dream that you are driving an automobile foretells prosperity and financial gain. To dream that you are driving a horse is the sign of a marriage.


If you dream that you are drowning, it is a sign that your character is being besmirched by a close friend.


To dream that you hear a drum beating is a warning of a grave crisis for the nation.


If you dream that you are drunk, it is a sign that you wastefulness and careless habits will lead to you downfall.


To dream that you see a duck flying is the sign of wealth to come. To dream of a duck swimming in the water is the sign of peace and contentment.


If you dream that you are dumb and connot speak, if means that you are going to fall into great disgrace.


If you dream that you are dusting the house, it is a sign that you are going to have disappointments. If you dream that you are chocked with dust, it is a sign of a temporary setback in business.