
Language of the Hand

The greatest truth may lie in smallest things.
The greatest good in what we most despise.
The greatest light may break from darkest skies.
The greatest chord from e’en the weakest strings.


If any science, art, or work has for its beginning, its object and its end the improvement of humanity and the advancement of the race, then that work, art, or science deserves the encouragement and recognition that is its due.

Of all branches of the study of human nature, that of the hand has the most powerful claim. By it one can detect, not only the faults in mankind, but the way in which those faults may be redeemed. It is the key to that cabinet of character in which nature conceals not only the motive power necessary for everyday life, but those latent talents and energies that by the knowledge of self we can bring to bear upon our lives.

There are few-if any – of as who, looking back upon the past, will not at some time confess to months, years, and often the greater part of life’s span, that have been lost, through the fault of parents and our own ignorance combined.

“Know thyself”, that motto of the ancients, is the simplest but the grandest sermon that can ring within our ears. By the knowledge of nature do we honour nature; let us then consider the study that can give such knowledge; for by the knowledge of self may we master self, and by the improvement of self may we also improve manking- to the advancement of the race to the honour of the world, and to the glory of those who, in the march of time, will fill life’s broken ranks and some day take our place