By R.K. Eashvara Pillai
Marriage confers on the couple equal responsibility in respect of Dharma, Artha, Kaama and Moksha, which form the essence of human life. Hence, as per Hindu Vedic mythology, marriage is a sacred ritual, which confers on the married couple a legal and dignified status in society. Every grown up boy and girl expect the married life to be happy and prosperous. Every boy wants an ideal wife and similarly every girl wants an ideal husband. If their hopes and expectations are shattered, their life will become miserable. In India marriages are viewed as sacred union of the souls to uphold Dharma and continuing their dynasty. It is not a civil contract that can be terminated at will. To avoid discord and to ensure a happy married life, many factors are to be considered. Here comes the importance of Matching of Horoscopes.
- Analyze the longevity of both boy and girl from their respective individual horoscopes.
- Analyze the longevity of boy from the horoscope of the girl and longevity of girl from the horoscope of boy.
- Analyze the marriage related houses, 7,4,12,5,2,8 for girls, for both boy and girl.
- Analyze the above aspects for boy from girl’s chart taking 7th house as lagna and vise-versa.
- Analyze the present and coming dasas for both boy and girl.
- Analyze the strength of bhavas and dasa lords according to ashtakavarga.
- Dosha like Kuja (Manglik) and Dosha Samyam
- Other misc. factors like Beeja Sphuta, Kshetra Sphuta, Kalatra Rasai etc.
- After analyzing the above steps one can go for “ Koota Maching ” and such other matchings are based on “ Moon Sign” or birth Nakshatra.
- Koota matching.
- Cancer/Scorpio/Pisces are Vipra or Brahmin signs.
- Aries/Leo/Sagittarius are Kshatriya signs.
- Taurus/Virgo/Capricorn are Vaishya signs.
- Gemini/Libra/Aquarius are Shudra signs.
Brahmin is considered as higher Varna and Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra are inferior in order. Varna of bridegroom should be superior to the varna of bride for proper varna matching and one point is given for this. For same Varna also one point is given. Where Varna of bride is superior no point is given.
Vashya means within the control. In this Koota the nature of various zodiac signs is considered to see which sign is controllable to which sign.
Gemini, Virgo, first half of Sagittarius and Aquarius are Human (Nara) signs.
Aries, Taurus, second half of Sagittarius, and first half of Capricorn are Quadruped (Chatushpada).
Cancer, second half of Capricorn and Pisces are Watery (jalachra) signs.
Leo, Scorpio are not alloted any groups.
Bride and bridegroom belonging to the same group is best matching and 2 points are given for that.
If bride’s sign is controllable (Vasya) to bridegroom’s sign 1 point is given.
If bride’s sign is eatable (Bhakshya) to bridegroom’s sign ½ point is given.
In other cases no point is given.
Vashya and bhakshya will be decided on the basis of nature of signs, e.g. for human signs all other signs except Leo are Vashya but all Jalachara are Bhakshya.
Generally for marriage match making eight kootas are considered. They are
- Varna
- Vasya
- Tara
- Yoni
- Graha Maitri
- Gana
- Bhakoota or Rasi and
- Nadi
These are given 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 points or Gunas respectively. Total gunas or points are 36. Attest 18 gunas are necessary for proper matching.
Count from bridegroom’s nakshatra to bride’s nakshatra and divide it by 9. If the reminder is 3/5/7 the Tar is malefic, otherwise the Tara is benefic. Give 1 ½ point for benefic Tara.
Now count from bride’s nakshatra to bridegroom’s nakshatra and divide it by 9.
If the reminder is 3/5/7 it is malefic, otherwise the Tara is benefic. Give 1 ½ point for benefic Tara.
The order of Tara is as follows.
- Janma
- Sampat
- Vipat
- Kshema
- Pratyak
- Sadhana
- Naidhana (Vadha)
- Mitra &
- Parama Mitra
Thus if on both countings we get benefic Tara, full 3 points are given. If one counting gives benefic and other counting gives malefic Tara 1 ½ point is given.
If in both countings we get malefic Tara no points are given. This is possible when Janma Tara i8s considered as malefic as per "Narada Vachanam."
YONI : (Maximum 4 points)
In this Koota, Nakshatras are allotted ‘ Yonis ’ of animals. Yonis of bride and bridegroom should not be inimical to each other. Given below are the yonis allotted to various nakshatras and the enimity between various yonis.
Aswani, Shatabhisham | Horse | Buffalo |
Swati, Hasta | Buffalo | Horse |
Dhanishta, P.Bhadra | Lion | Elephant |
Bharani, Revati | Elephant | Lion |
BPushyami, Krittika | Ram | Monkey |
Srawanam, P.Shada | Monkey | Ram |
U.Shada, Abhijit | Nakula | Serpant |
Rohini, Mrigasira | Serpant | Nakula |
Jyesta, Anuradha | Deer | Dog |
Moola, Ardra | Dog | Deer |
Punarvasu, Aslesha | Cat | Rat |
Magha, P.Phalguni | Rat | Cat |
Vishakha, Chitra | Tiger | Cow |
U.Bhadra, U. Phalguni | Cow | Tiger |
If Yonis are same 4 points, if they are friendly 3 points, if they are neutral 2 points, if they are inimical 1 point and if they are highly inimical no point is given. The allotment of points can be seen from table.
This is considered basing on the natal Moon sign lords. Friends, neutrals and enemies of various planets are given in the table.
Take the natal Moon sign of bride and bridegroom and note their Lords.
If the two sign lords are mutually friends or one and the same full 5 points are given.
If one is friend and the other is neutral (e.g. Mercury & Saturn) give 4 points.
Both sign lords are neutral (e.g. Jupiter & Saturn) give 3 points.
One friendly to other while the other is inimical (e.g. Moon & Mercury) give 1 point.
One neutral to other while the other is inimical give ½ point.
In other cases no point is given.
For ready reference see the table.
Important note: If friendship is not existing in rasi chart (D1), the navamsa lords of Moon sign of both bride and bridegroom can also be considered for matching.
GANA: (Maximum 6 points)
This is considered basing on the janma nakshatra of the bride and bridegroom.
All the 27 nakshatras are divided into three groups. They are 1) Deva 2) Nara and 3) Rakshasa.
The nakshatras of Deva Gana are Anuradha, Punarvasu, Mrigasira, Sravanam, Revati, Swati, Hasta, Aswani and Pushyami.
The nakshatras of Nara (Human) Gana are Purva Phalguni, Purvashada, Purva Bhadra, Uttara Phalguni, Uttarashada, Uttara Bhadra, Rohini, Bharani and Arudra.
The nakshatras of Rakshasa Gana are Magha, Aslesha, Dhanishta, Jyesta, Moola, Satabhisham, Vishakha, Krittika and Chitra.
If bride and bridegroom both have the same Gana ( based on their Janma nakshatra) full 6 points are given.
If bridegroom is Deva bride is Nara 6 points are given.
If bride is Deva and bridegroom is Nara 5 points are given.
If bridegroom is Rakshasa and bride is Deva 1 point is given.
In other cases no point is given.
For reference see table.
If there is proper Rasi Maitri, Yoni matching and Bhakoota matching can take place even without Gana matching. Gana matching is necessary for "Vaishyas".
Where Rasi lords or Navamsa lords of Rasi of both bride and bridegroom are same, ‘; Gana-Dosha’ will lose its maleficence.
BHAKOOTA: (Maximum 7 points)
Bhakoota matching considers the relative position of Janma Rashis ( natal Moon signs) of bride and bridegroom. If the Janma Rasis are in 2/12, 5/9 or 6/8 positions from each other it is considered as malefic and no point is given. In other cases full 7 points are given.
While considering the points or ‘Gunas’ following factors should also be taken into consideration.
Regarding same Janma rasi:
While bride and bridegroom have the same Janma rasi it is considered as benefic provided they have different nakshatras or if they are having the same nakshatras they should not have the same quarter or ‘charana’ of that nakshatra.
Regarding 2/12 position:
This is called ‘Dwirdwadasa’ dosha and should be avoided.
Note 1. Where bride’s rasi is second from bridegroom’s rasi it is considered malefic, otherwise it is not, i.e. when bride’s rasi is 12th from bridegroom’s rasi.
Note 2. For Pisces-Aries, Taurus-Gemini, Cancer-Leo, Virgo-Libra, Scorpio-Sagittarius, Capricorn-Aquarius, 2/12 positions are not malefic as their rasi lords are friends.
For other pairs 2/12 positions are malefic.
Regarding 5/9 positions:
Although the rasi lords will always be friends in this position, it is considered malefic and is called ‘ Nava-Panchama’ dosha and no point is given. But all 5/9 positions are not similar.
Where bride’s Janma rasi is 5th from that of bridegroom it is considered more malefic as compared to the situation where bride’s Janma rasi is 9th from that of bridegroom. It is said to cause problems relating to progeny.
Regarding 6/8 position:
This is called ‘Shad-Ashtaka’ and is considered highly malefic. The maleficence will be more where Rasi lords are enemies. Where Rasi lords are friends or are same ‘Shad-Ashtaka’ dosha will lose its maleficence.
Malefic ‘Shad-Ashtaka is said to cause disease and death.
Exceptions for Bhakoota:
The malefic Bhakoota will lose its malevicence if
- Rashi lords are friends
- There is proper Nadi matching
- Navamsa lords of Rasi are friends
- Bride and bridegroom both have benefic ‘Tara’ and there is proper Nadi-matching
- Vashya and Nadi matching both are present.
NADI: (Maximum 8 points)
Birth in a particular nakshatra will decide which nadi a person is having. There are three Nadis. 1) Adi 2) Madhya and 3)Antya.
The nakshatras and Nadis represented by them are given in the table below.
Bride and bridegroom should not have the same nadi. If both have different nadis 8 points are given otherwise (where they have same nadi) no point is given.
Some astrologers consider the following exceptions for Nadi matching.
- where bride and bridegroom have same Janma rasi but different nakshatras it will not amount to nadi dosha.
- Where both have same nakshatra but different janma rasi will not have nadi dosha.
In the above Kootas if one gets 18 or more points the marriage is permissible. The more points or ‘gunas’ the better is the matching.
It is important to note that Guna matching or Koota matching is only one of the several other factors, which are to be considered for proper matching for marriage.
Apart from the above 8 kootas, some astrologers give importance to the following kootas also.
All the 27 nakshatras are divided into 5 Rajjus namely
- Siro Rajju
- Kantha Rajju
- Nabhi Rajju
- Ooru Rajju and
- Pada Rajju.
Siro Rajju means head. This rajju results in widowhood.
Kantha rajju indicates neck and this rajju results in death of wife.
Nabhi rajju indicates naval. It may be literally taken as the uterus of a woman causing loss of progeny.
Ooru rajju indicates the thighs. This results in loss of wealth causing poverty.pada rajjuindicates feet. This results in wandering or travels in foreign places and may led to accidents during journey and injury to feet.
Siro | 5.Mrigasira | 5.Chitra | 5.Dhanishta | |||
Kantha | 4.Rohini | 6.Arudra | 4.Hasta | 6.Swati | 4.Srawanam | 6.Satbhisham |
Nabhi | 3.Krittika | 7.Punarvasu | 3.U,Phalguni | 7.Vishaka | 3.U.shada | 7.P.Bhadra |
Ooru | 2.Bharani | 8.Pushyami | 2.P.Phalguni | 8.Anuradha | 2.P.shada | 8.U.Bhadra |
Pada | 1. Aswani | 9.Aslesha | 1. Makha | 9.Jyeshta | 1.Moola | 9.Revati |
From 1 to 5 Aroha (Ascending) and from 5 to 9 Avaroha (Desending) nakshatras.
Rule: The birth star of the boy and the girl should not belong to the same Rajju.
If the rasi lords of the boy and girl is the same planet,
If the rasi lords of the boy and girl are friends
If the janma rasis of the boy and girl are in 1/7 axis (mutually opposite) Rajju dosha do not arise.
Eventhoough the birth stars of boy and girl are in the same Rajju, the dosha will not arise if one star is in ascending order and another star is in descending order.
The following stars are mutually Vedha creating stars. Vedha means Trouble.
MRIGASIRA, CHITRA & DHANISHTA are mutually Vedha creating stars.
Mahendra means Maha Kendra. The boy’s star should be Kendra star from girl. 1, 4, 7 & 10 stars are kendras. Calculation:
- Count from girl’s star to boy’s star
- Divide the number obtained by ‘3’. If the reminder is ‘1’ then the star is MahaKendra star or Mahendram is good.
E.g.: From Bharani to Purvaphalguni the count is 10. Dividing 10 by 3 we get the reminder ‘1’. Hence Mahendra is good.
The birth star of the boy must be beyond ‘9’ from the girl’s star.
Exceptions for analyzing marriage match making:
In the following cases marriage match making need not be considered and the marriage can be performed.
Mrigasira, Magha, Swati, Anuradha are said to be Maha Nakshatras having strength. If the boy or girl or both are born in these stars matching of horoscopes is not necessary.
If the Moon signs of boy and girl are in 1/7 axis matching of horoscopes is not necessary.If the boy and girl happen to be having close blood relationship entitled by custom to marry, matching of horoscopes is not necessary.
If the parents come to an understanding to perform the marriage of their children, even before their birth, matching of horoscopes is not necessary. This is called Garbha Nischitam.
If the boy and girl love each other and they are having strong conviction to marry, matching of horoscopes is not necessary. This is called Gandharva vivaham.
If Guru, the teacher, orders to marry, matching of horoscopes is not necessary. This is called Guru Nischitam.
If the omens are favourable, matching of horoscopes is not necessary. This is called Saguna Nischitam.
Generally the matching of horoscopes is done basing on the nakshatra of Moon at the time of birth. Since Moon is the significater of mind, sun is the significater of Atma (soul) and lagna (ascendant) is the significater of Tanu (body), the matching of horoscopes should be done basing on all the three naksatras, i.e., Sun’s nakshatra, Moon’s nakshatra and lagna nakshatra.
Born in same Star: Eka nakshatra:
If the boy and girl are born in the same nakshatra it is, generally, not good for marriage. But in the following cases the marriage can be performed.
If the boy and girl belong to Rohini, Arudra, Makha, Hasta, Vishakha, Srawanam, Uttarabhadra and Rewati, when there is difference in Nakshatra pada (Pada bhedam) marriage can be performed.
If the stars are different in the same sign or same star is in different signs, then Gana, Nadi, Graha Maitri kootas can be exempted. This was told by Brihaspati