Remedies In Vedic Astrology
When a nastic encounter through very difficult period, pariharam (astrological remedy) is suggested by an astrologer. Doing any remedies will not change the fate but it will give you mental energy to accept what's going on in your life. Yantras, Mantras, Gem stones, Vaastu are different astrological remedies. However all these methods will increase your mental energy to accept and be happy with your life? But you cannot change your fate.
How a fate can be changed? The answer is: It cannot be changed. However the impact, how you feel, can be changed. There is a saying the with the transit planets based on moon (Gochara), fate can be changed. If it is happening, then that is also part of your fate. Hence fate can never be changed.
When a person going through very hard phase of his life, his papa karya (sinful activities) done in the past or past life getting cancelled. Similarly when a person enjoys the most in his life, his punya karya (good deed) gets cancelled. By doing punya karyas now (in this birth), can give you excellent benefic results in the future (or upon your rebirth).
I have given here the list of doshams and remedies.
Dosha Nakshatra And Remedies
It is a myth belived there is dosha nakshatra but there is nothing called dosha nakshatra. Only the Janma Kundali (Natal Chart) determines about the fate of the person. All 27 stars in 12 signs are having equal precedence. Nothing is superior or inferior.
Then there is question why it is belived that there are some stars (Nakshatras) called dosha nakshatras? It is because of our sastras followed for a long time. Usually it comes when a God or Goddess makes an avatar on earth, they born in particulat star to complete the purpose of the avatar. For example, Krishna born in Rohini Star in Rishaba Rasi killed his maternal uncle kamsa. Can we assume that the boys born in Rohini Star will create death to maternal uncles? Yes, this is how it is formed. Because there is a question why God has chosen to born in Rohini star to kill the maternal uncle? So Rohini star is not good. Likewise all dosha nakshatras are formed. But people do give importance only to the Star (Nakashatra) but not to Lagna. If they have combined both Lagna and Nakshatra along with Janma Kumdalai, then there will not be dosha nakshatra.
Moolam - Affects the longevity of the Father-in-Law
Aayilyam - Affects the longevity of the Mother-in-Law
Kettai - Affects the longevity of the elder brother-in-law
Visakam - Affects the longevity of the younger brother-in-law
The truth is a girl born in such stars like Molar, Aayilyam, Kettai or Visakam cannot affect the longevity of other person. In case of bad events happening because of getting married to dosha nakshatra's star girls, it would happen even if the girl does not belong to dosha nakshatra. At the time of birth, the death (longevity) is written and it cannot be changed. By stopping a dosha nakshatra girl entering into your family, you cannot postpone anyone's death. If it has to happen, it will happen as per fate.
Assume that Moolam star girl is getting married and entering into the boy's family. As long as father-in-law has got good longevity of about 80 years, it is not going to affect his longevity at all. The girl's father-in-law will live until he becomes 80 years. Consider the another case: When a Bharani Star girl entering into boy's family. If her father-in-law has got 60 years olf longevity, he may pass away immediately within 6 months after marriage. People will not blame Bharani Star girl, since it is not dosha nakshatra. Since we know the fact about nakshatras, lets determine the remedies or find out whether a girl's chart can affect the longevity of the person in boy's family. The following analysis done by me is TRUE for all stars born in both boy and girl. Unfortunately it is believed that it is applicable only for girls born dosha nakshatras .
Look at the natal chart of the person: 10th house of the Girl's / Boy's chart influences mother-in-law. 3rd house of the Girl's / Boy's chart influences father-in-law.
If a person, either boy or girl in any star, is having a very weak 3rd house, it indicates that his or her father-in-law life span would not be great. Similarly when having weak 10th house, it affects the longevity of the mother-in-law.
Based on this, even a Bharani Star girl having weak 3rd house, can affect the longevity of the father-in-law. It is an indication mentioned on the girl's chart. If you take the girl's father-in-law's chart, he will have less than average longevity.
However the myth cannot be changed overnight. I will give you the points what you are very much interested in.
- If a Moolam star girl is having strong 3rd house, it will not affect the longevity of the father-in-law.
- If a Aayilyam star girl is having strong 10th house, it will not affect the longevity of the mother-in-law.
- If a Kettai star girl is having strong 5th house, it will not affect the longevity of the elder brother-in-law.
- If a Visakam star girl is having strong 9th house, it will not affect longevity of the younger brother-in-law.
The above statements will also be true, even if you replace the word girl with boy, and replace with another star also. Based on this, if you can understand only the Janma Kundali (Natal Chart) determines everything and nothing is called dosha nakshatras.
For the last over 1000's of years, male dominance is more. Any information that does not favor to boys is completely being ignored. Examples are given below:
- A boy born in Rohini Star will affect the longevity of the maternal uncle. (Krishna Avatar)
- A boy born in Punarpoosam star will have to suffer like anything after marriage even if he is a son of a King. (Rama Avatar)
- A boy born in Moolam Star will not marry any girl and will lead brahmacharya life (Hanuman Avatar)
Suitable Gemstones For Each Moon Sign (Rasi) Based On Vedic Astrology
You can find information on Suitable Gemstones for Each Moon Sign (Rasi) based on Vedic Astrology on this page. Based on your moon sign, you can consider wearing suitable gemstone to increase the fortune.
Aries (Mesha)
This sign is ruled by Mars (Chevvai), a red planet. Red coral gemstone is good to wear. Coral means "garden of the sea". Eventhough coral comes with other color like blue, red coral is good for Mesha Rasi people.
Taurus (Rishaba)
This sign is ruled by Venus (Sukra). Diamond is the best one for Rishaba Rasi people. You can go with crystal, sphere, pyramid or palm diamond stone. Royal blue is the good one for this.
Gemini (Mithuna)
This sign is ruled by Mercury (Budhan). Green Emerald is the best one for Midhuna Rasi people. The color should be in green to please Mercury.
Cancer (Katakam)
This sign is ruled by Moon (Chandiran). Moonstone is the best one for Kataga Rasi people. Milky white is the best color for this one.
Leo (Simha )
This sign is ruled by Sun (Suriyan). Ruby is the best stone for Simha Rasi people. Dark red is the ideal choice for Ruby stone.
Virgo (Kanya)
This sign is ruled by Mercury (Budhan). Green Emerald is the best one for Kanni Rasi people. The color should be in green to please Mercury.
Libra (Thulam)
This sign is ruled by Venus (Sukra). Diamond is the best one for Thula Rasi people. You can go with crystal, sphere, pyramid or palm diamond stone. Royal blue is the good one for this.
Scorpio (Virchigam)
This sign is ruled by Mars (Chevvai), a red planet. Red coral gemstone is good to wear. Coral means "garden of the sea". Eventhough coral comes with other color like blue, red coral is good for Viruchiga Rasi people.
Sagittarius (Dhanus)
This sign is ruled by Jupiter (Guru). Topez gemstone is good for Dhaunshu Rasi people. Yellow or Golden Yellow Topez is the best one. You can also go with Yellow Sapphire gemstone if you would like. But the color should be yellow.
Capricorn (Makara)
This sign is ruled by Saturn (Sani). Black Sapphire is the best choice for Makara Rasi people. If you have Rahu support or running Rahu Maha Dasa, you can go with Blue Sapphire gemstone also.
Aquarius (Kumbha)
This sign is ruled by Saturn (Sani). Black Sapphire is the best choice for Kumba Rasi people. If you have Rahu support or running Rahu Maha Dasa, you can go with Blue Sapphire gemstone also.
Pisces (Meena)
This sign is ruled by Jupiter (Guru). Topez gemstone is good for Meena Rasi people. Yellow or Golden Yellow Topez is the best one. You can also go with Yellow Sapphire gemstone if you would like. But the color should be yellow.
Suitable Gemstones For Each Planet Based On Vedic Astrology
You can find information on Suitable Gemstones for Each Planet based on Vedic Astrology on this page. Based on the maha dasa you are running, you can consider wearing suitable gemstone to increase the fortune.
Sun (Suriyan)
Sun rules Leo Moon Sign. Ruby is the best stone for the planet Sun. Dark red is the ideal choice for Ruby stone.
Moon (Chandiran)
Moon rules Cancer Moon Sign. Moonstone is the best one for the planet Moon. Milky white is the best color for this one.
Mars (Chevvai)
Mars is a red planet and it rules both Aries and Scorpio Moon Signs. Red coral gemstone is good to wear. Coral means "garden of the sea". Eventhough coral comes with other color like blue, red coral is good for the planet Mars.
Mercury (Budhan)
Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo Moon Signs. Green Emerald is the best one for the planet Mercury. The color should be in green to please Mercury.
Jupiter (Guru)
Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces Moon Signs. Topez gemstone is good for the planet Jupiter. Yellow or Golden Yellow Topez is the best one. You can also go with Yellow Sapphire gemstone if you would like. But the color should be yellow.
Venus (Sukra)
Venus rules Taurus and Libra moon signs. Diamond is the best one for the planet Venus. You can go with crystal, sphere, pyramid or palm diamond stone. Royal blue is the good one for this.
Saturn (Sani)
Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius Moon Signs. Black Sapphire is the best choice for the planet Saturn.
Rahu (North Node)
Rahu does not rule any moon sign. Blue Sapphire is the best choice for the planet Rahu. You can also go with Red Garnet.Ketu (South Node)
Ketu does not rule any moon sign. Tumbled Tiger Eye in Golden Brown is the best choice for the planet Ketu.
Remedies For Kanda Rajju And Sirasu Rajju Dosha
During horoscope matching, astrologers and people do give more importance to Rajju Porutham since life risk of either spouse is likely.
Sirasu Rajju will cause the death of the boy and Kanda Rajju will cause the death of the girl after marriage.
- If Kanda Rajju or Sirasu Rajju Dosham does not present between the boy and girl, it is better to avoid getting married.
- Rajju dosham is very powerful and important. Interestingly Rajju Porutham does not present in most cases, when vasiya porutham exists indicating first sight at love.
- But in case of love marriage, you can only postpone to certain period until when the malefic effect of Sirasu Rajju and Kanda Rajju dosham will manifest.
In case of Sirasu Rajju Dosham:
- Check the longevity of the boy and check the 5th and 7th house of boy.
- Make sure the boy will not have any makara or bhadaka maha dasa or find out when that dasa starts.
In case of Kanda Rajju Dosham:
- Check the longevity of the girl and check the 5th and 7th house of girl.
- Make sure the girl will not have any makara or bhadaka maha dasa or find out when that dasa starts.
- You can only postpone the malefic effect of kanda or sirasu rajju dosham until either spouse starts a maraka or bhadaka mahadasa.
- But if they have bhadaka or maraka maha dasa running or starting with in 3-5 years, then the malefic effects will be immediately after marriage.
Remedies For Manglik (Chevvai / Mars) Dosha
What is Chevvai Dosham?
Chevvai dosham is one of the dosham which is most feared one since it is going to create the life risk for the match. It is also known as Manglik dosha.
When the planet Mars is placed in 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th houses from lagna (ascendant), chandran (moon) or Sukran (Venus) in a natal chart, then native is considered as suffering from Chevvai Dosham.
However there are lots of cases, Chevvai dosham is exempted. For example, is Mars is placed in Aries (Mesha), Scorpio (Viruchiga) or Capricorn (Makaram), and then the chart does not have Chevvai Dosham. Similarly no matter where the Mars is placed, the lagna (Ascendant) of the horoscope Cancer (Katagam) or Leo (Simham), then Chevvai Dosham is exampted, This list will grow and an astrologer can predict whether a chart really suffers from Chevvai Dosham or not.
In cases, if there is Chevvai Dosham for a girl or a boy, then the spouse should also have such dosham. Otherwise it would create life risk for person with not having Chevvai Dosham.
- If you have chevvai dosham on your chart, it is better to marry the person with chevvai dosham. It is the best option you can go with.
- But in case of love marriage, it is very tricky. You have to analyze the horoscope in the following way:
- Check the longevity of the person who does not have chevvai dosham.
- Check the 5th and 7th house of the person who does not have chevvai dosham.
- Make sure the person who does not have chevvai dosham will not have any makara or bhadaka maha dasa.
- Check the 5th and 7th house of the person who has chevvai dosham.
- Make sure the person who has chevvai dosham will not have any makara or bhadaka maha dasa.
- If you match all the above cases, then you can only postpone the malefic effect of chevvai dosham until either spouse starts a maraka or bhadaka mahadasa.
- In case both spouse (husband / wife) is not going to have bhadaka or maraka maha dasa until they become 52 years, then malefic effect of chevvai dosha will manifest only at 52 years eventhough they get married at 30 years. They can lead happy life for 22 years.
- But if they have bhadaka or maraka maha dasa running or starting with in 3-5 years, then the malefic effects will be immediately after marriage.
- In case of love marriage, until maleifc maha dasa starts, the death of the person who does not have chevvai dosham can be postponed. It is also very rare that both (husband / wife) not having both maraka or bhadhaka maha dasa for the next over 15 - 30 years.
Remedies For Kala Sarpa Dosha In Vedic Astrology
Kala Sarpa Dosha is formed when all planets (Sun,Moon,Mars,Mercury,Jupiter,Venus,Saturn) are in between the sarpa grahas (Rahu and Ketu). Mostly it denotes the bad indication on a chart.
- It is very difficult to come out of malefic effect of kala sarpha dosham.
- But one good thing is, malefic effects can be seen only during Rahu or Ketu Maha Dasa. If the person has already completed Rahu Dasa in his young to middle age that is under 35, he or she will experience sky rocketing growth.
- If you have kala sarpha dosham on your chart and you have Rahu or Ketu Maha Dasa or Bukthi period running, then you can
- Wear 8 faces Rudraksha
- Pray Lord Shiva
- Fasting on Tuesdays and Saturdays or at least avoid non-veg food on Tuesdays and Saturdays
- Visit Kalahasthi temple near Tirupathi in Andrapradesh, closer to Chennai
- Make your paternal and maternal grandfather happy.
- Help poor people to achieve success on their lives, if you can
Remedies For Kalathra Dosham (Delay In Marriage) In Vedic Astrology
What is Kalathra Dosham?
Kalathra Dosham (Kathira Dosha) can cause delay in marriage and can end up in no marrige during the current life. The houses 2, 7 and 11 is considered for judging the Kalathra Dosham on a chart. However 7th house is given paramount importantance. Venus is the Kalathra Karaka in boy's horoscope and Jupiter is the Kalathra Karaka in girl's horoscope
No connection between 2nd, 7th and 11th house can lead to delayed marriage usually. The malefic planet or malefic affliction in 7th house or in 7th lord can create problems in married life. The array of planets affliction with 7th house or 7th lord can cause divorce and re-marriage.
Usually the strong and benefic present on 7th house can lead to happy married life. If there is a connection with Bhadaka or Maraka with Karaka or 7th lord, then the horoscope needs to be analyzed carefully. Even though such aspect exists, the effects will be seen only during the corresponding Maha Dasa or Bukthi (Athar Dasa) Period. If such a dasa period is already passed in early life or coming up in later age (after 60 or 70), then there will not any issue. The young to middle age is very important.
In case of such dosham present and active maha dasa is running, then the native will experience in delay in getting married. If already married, it can create serious conflicts between the spouses and can lead to temporary or permanent separation.
Today's fast and competitive world, married people with kalathra dosha do not wait until the malefic dasa or bukthi period to get over. They will soon end up in seeking for divorce. It affects both (the boy and girl) in married life. Because once the worst time period has passed, there will not be any more issue. Tolerance and adjustments / compromise can lead to happy married life in the long term.
Remedies For Puthira Dosham (Delay In Child Birth) In Vedic Astrology
What is Puthira Dosham?
Puthira Dosham (Purthra Dosha) on a natal chart can cause delay in child birth or problems during child birth. When a native has malefic planet or malefic affliction on 5th house, it is called Prutha Dosham. For a boy's horoscope, 5th is mainly considered. However on a girl's horoscope, both 5th and 9th house is considered on judging the Puthira Dosham. The 5th house and 5th lord (9th) and planets presents in or accepting 5th house is given paramount importance in judging puthira dosham. The planet Jupiter (Guru Bhagawan) is called puthira karagan. When a girl chart has weak Jupiter, she has to go through problems in conceiving and delivering baby.
The planets in 5th house can indicate the gender of a baby. For example, venus and saturn represents girl baby whereas Jupiter, Mars and Sun represents boy baby. When the native has malefic Saturn on 5th house, he or she will get blessed with a baby on a middle age. The presents of a bhadhaka affecting both 5th house and 7th or 9th house, can deny the child birth in the current life. The malefic affliction with Mars can end up having C Section delivery and the malefic affliction with Mercury can result in pre-mature baby. Malefic Ketu present on 5th house can cause miscarriage on a girl chart. If ketu is aspected by natural and functional benefic, then there will not be any issues. When matching horoscope in arranged matching, the strength 5th and 9th house on each horoscope is analyzed to get the combined result on the effect of timing of conceiving and delivering baby.
Remedies For Sayana Dosham (Marital Problems) In Vedic Astrology
What is Sayana Dosham?
Sayana Dosham is connected with Marital Problems and it mainly denotes the sexual incompatibility between the couples. But it can also cause delay in child birth as a domino effect. When the native has a weak 12th house, then he may end up having Marital Problems. The weak 12th house meaning that a malefic present on the 12th house. When the there is a powerful Jupiter or Mars aspect to 12th house when such a planet being yogakara for the ascendant, this dosham will get nullified. Eventhough there is a malefic planet or aspect to 12th house, it is nothing to be feared. Because the problems will rise only during that particular maha dasa or bukthi period. If there is no such maha dasa in active age or such maha dasa is already over, then there will not be any issue.
If bukthi period (Anthar Dasa) of 12th lord or the malefic planet accepting 12th house is running, the native will experience conflicts and arguments on sexual and relationship issues. Since the bukthi period is usually short, if there is a ruling planet support for at least one of the couple (either the boy or girl), the intensity of the problem would go down. Otherwise the couples will suffer for a period of 6 months to 1 year since Jupiter being favorable for every other year between the couple. The other important thing is when maraga dasa is running, couples may encounter the problems in their marital life. But Maragan is fully effective only for Thula Lagna and Mesha Lagna. People born in other Lagna would not experience any major issues.
Sayana dosham is nothing to be feared but to get to know about the problems and get deep understanding between the couples.